Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Cats and Dogs

Maggie waiting for her people to come home
Many writers, cartoonists and videographers have made generalizations about how cats and dogs seem to view the world. Cats are snooty, independent and self-serving.  Dogs are enthusiastic and want to please. I've laughed many times at the cartoon in which the dog responds to every event with "Oh boy!" while the diary of a cat numbers the days of captivity.

I've always thought of myself as a cat person, not because I don't like dogs, just because I don't know dogs.  I grew up with cats and so I know their signals.  Some of my friends have dogs and it has been interesting to get to know a little about them. Dogs do seem to be almost permanently enthusiastic about squeaky toys,  kongs filled with treats, walks, scratches and pats,  chasing balls or barking at people walking past their property. In the cartoon about the enthusiastic dog the only negative the dog expresses is, "Bath, bummer" before he is right back to "Time with my human, oh boy!"

I was driving to meet a friend the other morning and I was late.  My mind was doing the usual spinning up about all the inconveniences that my being late would cause and how it would impact the rest of the day.  I was feeling anxious. For some reason I thought of the cartoon and said to myself, "Car ride, oh boy!"  That made me smile and I said it several more times as I drove. It was a beautiful fall day, blue sky, sunshine and no snow although it was late October. When I got to my destination I was still grinning.

What if, I wonder, I try to live my life in a more dog-like fashion? Of course, this won't always work but if the words, 'oh boy' and ground me in the moment and make me smile I'll use them and see what happens. Oh boy, time to go for a walk with my friend!