Thursday, August 13, 2015

Trying out technology

When am I not trying out technology?  I'm still in the process of organizing photos from the NL trip and have just completed the day we spent in Hebron.  I'm trying to juggle between Picasa and Google+ photos.  For some people this may be a no-brainer but I'm still figuring it out. This doesn't really count as a blog post but for those of you who are following the photos, I hope the link works.  I will post the links to each of the photo collections (I think that's what Google is calling them now) when I get them all done.  I have five days photos yet to go through and there aren't as many in that batch so I'm hoping to finish them soon

I hope you enjoy them as I've enjoyed taking them and then looking back at them.

Newfoundland and Wild Labrador: Part 4 Hebron

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