Thursday, February 8, 2018

To blog or not to blog, that is the question

 Why do I do this? Write this blog, I mean. I was wondering this the other day as I got behind on my self-imposed quota of entries for the year. I suppose writing helps me sort myself out and, I like to write. I don't like it enough to make serious space for it every day, or to want to write the Great Canadian Novel. I write a journal entry every day and have done, off and on, for much of my life. I have journals piled up in boxes on a shelf and someday I may go back and read through them or, once I kick the bucket, someone else may consign all of them to paper recycling or use them as fire starter. By that time it certainly won't make any difference to me.

I guess writing is a bit like woodworking: it's the process as well as the end result that matters. I like getting things down. It's a way of figuring out what I want to say and also, once I've said it, it's a way of moving on. I also use writing as a kind of punctuation to say to myself, this is important; remember this. It's easy for me to get bogged down and grumpy at the world and when I focus on the things that are going well, the everyday things that make me smile, it helps me see the world and myself with a kinder eye. I don't want to come across as terminally cheery because I'm far from that; however when I remind myself in words of the 'good bits' in my own life it makes me feel a better. So, I guess I write first for myself.

Why don't I just keep my ramblings in a notebook instead of publishing them?  Knowing that someone other than me is reading this makes me more thoughtful and more careful. Is this really what I want to say? I can't take back the words once I've sent them off into the cloud. Putting my thoughts in the form of a blog helps me the check-in with myself on what is and isn't worth saying. In hindsight I may change my mind but, all I can do is honestly consider the question in the moment and then let the words go. Knowing you are out there, that some of you read each post I make and look forward to my new ones helps to keep me at it. It's about companionship as we stumble through day-to-day existence. We can be in different cities, time zones and countries and still connect.

Thanks for the company; it's important.


Colleen Hetherington said...

I really appreciate this blog. The idea about process being important is critical to almost everything I do at this stage of my life. I have no expectations of becoming a great artist or athlete, but the activity is centering and helps me clarify thinking around important subjects. They also provide a social component which I could too readily lose. Your blog, to me, is like the more thoughtful conversation I was I was self-disciplined enough to engage in. It allows time to reflect on ideas, share impressions, and to connect with a friends whom I value.

WoodDancer said...

Thanks, so much, Colleen. I appreciate your friendship and your take on the stage of life we are both in. What a wild ride!