Saturday, October 10, 2020

Reading over the blog books

During our first camping trip this year and in a peaceful setting, I reread all of my blog posts in book form. I’m happy to say that they weren’t too cringe-worthy. There were more errors than I would have liked but I knew that was going to happen. A strange quirk of the formatting means that sometimes there is no space at the end of a sentence. Some of that may be my sloppy keyboarding but even that doesn’t adequately explain the frequency of the quirk. Some of the pictures aren’t the ones I would have chosen for a full-page spread, and again, that’s the result of choices made by the program as it translates blog posts into books. I’m prepared to live with it.

I’m relieved that there is less repetition that I anticipated, although I never again get to say that the only serious mistake is one from which you learn nothing. I counted that particular phrase in three separate places. I was pleased with the books as a record of the day-to-day events since I retired. It is much more concise than my regular journal and it is easier to find things. I can see doing one of these books every year or two so Richard and I can have them as a reference. It was fun looking back on the travelling we have done and it was nice to be able to put dates to particular holidays. Sometimes I remember the year of a holiday and sometimes I don’t. If you don’t mind the errors, making a book from a blog is much easier than creating a photo book from scratch. Maybe I’ll just have to do a better job of proofreading as I go.

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