Thursday, February 8, 2024

A walk in the frosty neighbourhood

A frosted gate

I was feeling grumpy yesterday so I decided to go for a walk. It was a grey day and fog had covered all the trees in frost. One of the photographers I follow just loves to shoot in mist so I thought I’d haul out my phone and take a few shots. Such photos are fairly pointless because I’may not look at them once I’ve taken them. I like the process of deciding what to photograph and how to photograph it and that was a good enough reason yesterday.

One of the first photos recorded the beginning demolition of a block of houses. That’s going on a lot lately. We have one empty block with the big machines drilling holes for pilings. There’s another block where the houses have just been demolished and even the concrete stairs, the last things to go, have been broken up and hauled away. Instead of half a dozen family homes with yards on that property there is going to be a six storey building with 92 units. The homes that are coming out in the other property are being replaced with another 6 storey building with over 100 units. That certainly will densify the neighbourhood but I can’t help being a little sad when I see homes the same age as ours reduced to rubble.
The last few days of this house

After photographing the demolition site, I turned my attention to the frost and the trees. There is an intriguing black and white quality to the landscape in these conditions and I walked and snapped for just over half an hour. When I came home my mood had improved considerably. Even though there are many things I love to do indoors, nothing is quite the same as getting outside even for a few minutes. I wonder if I’ll be smart enough to remember that the next time I’m out of sorts.
Dark berries, white frost

This spot feels like countryside


Janeen Werner-King said...

Gorgeous photos of the frosted trees, Marian. Nature is restorative.

WoodDancer said...

Thanks Janeen!