Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rats, Another One

I had another teaching dream last night. This time I was in the right school but it kept morphing so I didn't know it and a bunch of teachers knew me but I didn't know them. These little signs of going back to school, which I'm not, can stop any time now.

Today I got to practice being retired. I rode my bike downtown for a chiro appointment and had lunch with Katharine. Her meeting time was changed so I had about an hour between the time I finished with Dr. P and when I was to meet her for lunch. I decided to just go for a bit of a ride. I rode down by the zoo and say the osprey's nest with what looked like the two parents sitting up in the nest. I didn't have binoculars so I didn't stop to take a closer look. I went up the Nose Creek Pathway past Memorial Drive but not as far north as 16 ave. I sat on a bench for a while and watched the planes as they headed for the airport. The wind was blowing from the north so they were flying pretty much parallel to the part of the bike path where the bench was.

I managed to snag a table in the food court through some judicious lurking and Katharine went and got lunch for us. By 1:00 the place was pretty well cleared out. It's very easy to get to her office building from the bike path now that I know what street it's on.

The weather has been unsettled most of the day. It rained in the morning but by the time I was ready to leave the rain had stopped. On the way home from lunch the wind had picked up and there was a huge threatening cloud to the north. I looked at the situation and decided to take the nasty shorter hill by the golf course. Just as I got to the tracks a train came along so I got to watch that go by. Some people might find that frustrating but as long as I'm not in a hurry to go anywhere, I like to watch trains and planes. I made it up the hill without either getting off or falling off which was good. I was definitely winded and definitely in my granny gear.

It was a most enjoyable day, a chance to ride in cooler temperatures and at a time when there wasn't a lot of bike traffic on the pathways. There were a few runners and a couple of people walking their Yorkie. The dog was off leash and it seemed more interested in sniffing the grass around my bike than it was in continuing its walk. The woman called it twice and then if finally decided that it had better be off. In terms of other wildlife I saw a mouse or a vole cross the path. I wasn't close enough to tell which. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I'd know the difference even if I was close.

All in all a good day. It's chilly now and raining so I feel quite virtuous having done my ride and now I'm all tucked into a nice warm house, and two days ago I was cranky because the house was too hot. Gotta love that Calgary weather.

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