We took a walk up on Nose Hill today. It was a perfect temperature, blue sky and great fall colours. I have a new pair of hiking boots and decided to give them a try. I did some city walking in them last week but it was time to get them out on some rougher terrain. We weren't exactly scrambling up mountains, but we were off the path and there were hummocks and muddy bits and rocks to contend with.
My other boots still have a lot of wear left in them but I bought them before I started to run and my feet have expanded a full size since I took up the
Anyway, here are some of the pictures I shot. It was fun to be out in the fresh air and the sunshine. I can quite happily putter away in my workshop day after day but it doesn't get me outside.
Okay, your Autumn walk has inspired me to write. The colors and textures of an Alberta fall day has captured my attention.
Now, about your woodworking... Ron greeted me this evening with a proud purchase of wood chisels from Lee Valley. He was supposed to go to Costco. Amazing how attention can be diverted from his original pursuit. Now, he would appreciate your sharpening station. To me, they just looked like slab of silver on a table.
Hi Sharon. Thanks for the comment. I'm very glad the blog has prompted some writing. What a compliment!
It's quite odd that I, too, sometimes end up at Lee Valley when I'm supposed to go to Costco. Must be a woodworker's disease.
The sharpening station doesn't look like much but it's sort of like going from a piece of software that works well enough but you have to do some work-arounds to one that just works exactly the way you want it.
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