Friday, September 5, 2008

The Little Joys of Retirement

When I turned 45 a friend gave me this mug. It's one of my favourites but I think the title needs changing. If 'the little joys of teaching are without number,' the little joys of retirement certainly are! Last night I stayed up til the wee hours of the morning so I could finish my book. I can't remember the last time I did that. When I went to choir practice last night I wasn't tired and, best of all is being able to wake up in the morning and feel rested. It is soooo much easier to deal with life in general when I get enough sleep. Somehow when I was teaching sleep was always the thing that got short changed.

Yesterday I made muffins and took some over to a friend's place. We had tea and watched the traffic go by. I'm so glad I can drive the roads at times other than in rush hour and that I can ride my bike, take the bus or walk to do a number of errands because time is not as much of an issue. The birds are happier now that I'm home a lot more. Bailey hardly ever whistles for attention. I don't know that I really give them all that much more time than I did when I was working but they hear me tromping around the house and whenever I go into the room I speak to them.

Today the hare was back in the back yard. I don't think this is the same one that hung out here last year. This one seems smaller and it's not here as much. The one last year was here pretty much every day. I got a picture of it all tucked up beside the fire bowl where it likes to rest. Also I saw two squirrels chasing each other around the tree outside my window and then heard one of them jump onto the roof and patter its way across. I didn't manage to get a picture of them. The little joys of retirement are, indeed, without number.

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