Monday, October 14, 2024

And I'm off to Greenland

I think this may be a bit of a mishmash and I’m going to try it anyway. I took many many photos and I can only use a few of them in a regular blog post so the plan is to do some posts the regular way and some that are mainly photos with captions. 

Since I’ve just finished downloading all the photos from my phone I thought I’d start at the beginning of the Greenland to Newfoundland trip. As I think about it I might do one of these short ones for each day and then longer ones to talk about various aspects of the trip. At this point, I haven’t got a clue so hang onto your hats, or skip a bunch, whatever appeals to you.

It took me a while to actually find the hotel in Toronto even though I landed in terminal 3 and the hotel was in terminal 3. First I tried Google maps and ended up outside where one of people working at the cab stand told me I'd have to go back inside and up one floor.

I did that and wandered around not seeing anything that even remotely looked like a hotel. I wandered one way as far as I could and then started back the way I had come. I saw a sign for, I think it was terminal 2, and I thought I couldn't be going the right way. Just then I glanced to my left and there was a very small sign saying 'hotels.' It pointed up a set of steps. I went up the steps which looked more like a fire escape than a hotel entrance. By that point it was after 11:00 pm and there seemed to be no-one around. I kept following the signs through more back corridors and eventually arrived in the hotel lobby. I was happy not to have to find my way back again! When we went back into the airport to depart for Kangerlussuaq  we went out the front door of the hotel, across the street and into the departures area.
A warm day in YYC

Bye bye Rockies for a while

Not bad airline food

Where or where has my duffle gone? Don't panic. That was before any of the luggage came off.

Toronto hotel room. Lots more space than on the ship.

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