Thursday, October 17, 2024

Former Primeminister of Greenland 09/29/24

We were supposed to do a landing this afternoon but MJ made the call that we would stay in the shelter of the fjord. Fine by me. I’d decided to stay on board and loaf anyway. We are now underway, making for the mouth of the fjord. The weather looks like it will be better tomorrow and the hope is that we’ll be able to get to Nuuk. The former prime minister of Greenland, Aleqa Hammond,  is onboard, she will be giving a talk shortly and she is to leave the ship at Nuuk.
Aleqa left

[Aleqa's talk was very interesting. It sounds from her telling that she's a bit of a maverick. I wish had taken better notes on one of the stories she told about Denmark not wanting to fund a project for Greenland. I didn't even note what the project was, got too caught up in the tale. Anyway, having met a closed door there she went to the Americans and no joy there either so, she started courting the Chinese who were very interested and all of a sudden the Americans were talking to the Danes and Greenland got its money. What we didn't hear anything about on the ship were the spicier parts of her financial dealings which, according to Wikipedia, included two cases of misuse of public funds. From my perspective she was an interesting storyteller and enjoyed sharing her knowledge of Greenland.]

It’s a little bit annoying not to be able to set my watch to the proper time. I really do look at my watch a lot. My phone got the message so I’l just have to look at that. The e-sim I bought for Greenland seems to be connected but I’m not getting anything even though I have 3 bars. I’ll see what happens in Nuuk.

On another technology front, I carefully wrote down the instructions for getting photos off my phone and onto the computer. It
My messy part of the cabin on OE
 all sounded very straightforward and I practiced a bit before I left home. When I tried it just came up with blank rectangles where there should have been photo thumbnails. I guess I’ll do what I’ve done in the past, hope that all the data on the phone remains and then sort it out when I get home. Sigh!

We are going for a zodiac cruise in the morning down one of the fjords and then we are sailing onto Nuuk the next day. There are going to be bus tours but I think I’ll skip those and walk into town and just putter around with my phone and my camera. The last time we were there I was madly searching for a camera charger for the Olympus mirrorless (no luck). I’ll hit the museum again and the stuff around the old town and then go in search of some qiviut for Richard. 

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